The day I stood with the lords.

Guntaj Deep Singh
2 min readFeb 10, 2022

An overwhelming moment.

A rainbow is visible in golden sky while it drizzles. A man walks across the street with his umbrella. A yellow car looks unusually beautiful in the setting.
November 4, 2021. Vancouver, BC. Photo by writer.

As I took a sip of Chai that overflowed with the aroma of cardamom and cloves to take a break after cleaning my studio apartment in the spirit of Diwali(infamously the festival of lights in India) on this day, a sudden flood of golden hues engulfed the space. I paused, holding my breath in awe and looked outside the window. I saw the richest rainbow I’ve ever seen against a powerful…



Guntaj Deep Singh

A pile of tragedy, joy, existential dread and utopian dreamscapes. A queer artist from India who is mostly melancholic but loves life.